Sampran, a small area near Bangkok.

I went back to my hometown, Sampran, on Sunday. It’s not far from Bangkok, just take 40 minutes drive. It’s still simple and local. One of my mission was to have lunch at this small and riverside restaurant. Because of the riverside, I could feel the fresh air and impressed a beautiful and simple view. Mostly the opposite of the river are the combination of housing and plantation. I grew up here before moving to study a secondary school in Bangkok. Time has changed as I do.

home sampran

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From this view, I saw the contrast of color mixed in this restaurant. I think it’s strange and pretty at the same time.

The below pictures are some of my dishes. The first one is hot and sour, fish and vegetable ragout, second is fired thin noodles with soy sauce and the last one is papaya salad. All of them are full flavored– spicy, sweet, sour, and Yummy. It made me realize the old day. Miss Miss Sampran. ^ ^

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